Friday, May 15, 2009


That's right folks, I said Thing 46. According to my math, 23 + 23 = 46.

46 things on a stick. Who brought the marshmallows?

Of course, I have to actually blog about WebJunction Minnesota (which is fabulous, btw, and I never say fabulous). And there is the little matter of an evaluation which makes it technically 47 things. Not that I'm complaining.

WebJunction. Who knew? I never realized that was an entire online community for all of us Minnesota Library type people outside of the Things. My favorite part was scrolling through the catalog of courses. I'm a bit of a nerd that way. I've already found a couple that I'd like to take, but I'm going to take a little time to celebrate the finishing of this bloggy experience before I delve into another online education adventure.

I looked at the job bank, because who doesn't like to shop around. I found my branch listed in the directory. And then I puttered around, looking at some other stuff.

To top it off, I sent the link to my branch manager, who hasn't had time to start the 3 things, but who I think will really appreciate the services provided.

I plan to spend a lot more time looking around WebJunction Minnesota and getting familiar with the services. I think in terms of networking and training, this could be the best resource I've found throughout this multiple thing experience.

Coming soon to a blog near you: My Evaluation.

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