Wednesday, March 26, 2008


I'm annoyed.

This post has virtually nothing to do with the 23 Things experience, except for the fact that it is related to blogging. For the third time in two weeks, a blog I read and really enjoy is going private.

But that's not why I am annoyed. I respect the right to go private. In all three cases, a very personal family journey is being documented. By all means, select who can and who can not be a part of that journey.

I've already confessed that I am a lurker. I don't comment often and I generally stumble on these blogs by accident. Why read them if I don't know the people? All three of these specific blogs were people going through a major family experience that I am interested in and reading the blogs helps me to see what different aspects of the experience are.

Is it research? Maybe, at first. But I find myself truly humbled by their experiences, their desires and, in these three cases, their faith.

What angers me is their reason they have to go private. In all cases it involves a mean comment or a misuse of blogger id. What is with the slew of nasty comments being left on people's blogs, questioning their decisions and rights? Why are there people out there who are using family blogs to stalk people? What happened to the idea if you can't say something nice, then don't say anything?

I respect everyone's right to have an opinion. I respect the right to express that opinion. But the act of expression should not include malice. I tried to say as much in my comments on the sites that went private, a good-bye, so to speak.

So to those who have gone private, and again, I respect that right and understand that decision, should you ever find your way here to my corner of blogger land, please know that your journeys were inspirations to me and that I hold you all in my daily prayers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was for this very reason - a bunch of bordering-on-nasty comments - that I turned full moderation on my commenting system. Then, I can delete anything too angry, stalker-ish, etc. Thus far, I haven't had any more problems.