Saturday, February 28, 2009

T30A: Spreed and filters

I'll admit this: I went into the first half of Thing 30 half heartedly. The way I have my Google Reader set up and my Google Alerts designed, I don't need to filter my RSS feeds. I don't need RSS updates of weather, or mailings or twitterings. I live in an itty bitty town where traffic is only a problem if you are on the wrong side of the tracks when the big train comes through.

But, as part of the deal, I tried out some things. I was very "eh" about the whole process.

Then I found Spreed. Oh. My. And I thought some of the photo Things from the first 23 were ridiculous. How can this video of words possibly increase productivity? I found it annoying.

In trying to be a good sport, I set up an account. I tinkered with word speed, I played with subscriptions.

Nope. Just annoyed. I'm hoping T30B: A revisit to delicious redeems T30. To be continued...

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