Friday, February 13, 2009

T27: Tweet tweet

I'm struggling with Twitter on a personal level. It seems so narcissistic. And really, I'm barely entertaining enough to maintain a blog. I can't imagine anyone wants to hear what I'm doing all day, play by play.


On a professional level, I think Twitter has some amazing possibilities. I would love to be able to send patrons to the minute updates on the collection, events, displays and meetings. In an age of instant knowledge and gratification, this could be a tremendous gift to the people we serve.

Assuming, of course, that I am capable of maintaining these systems and getting the word out that the branch is twittering. Really, I think that is the real challenge: Making the public aware. Once everyone is in the know, the updates wouldn't be difficult. As with most things in life, it is the getting started.

Oh, and ps-I'm tweeting. You can find me under headfones.

1 comment:

PatriciaP said...

I agree that I seldom think I am personally all that interesting to the masses, but I am finding it a useful tool to carefully choose some big names to follow, then use the links they provide to conference sessions, articles, etc....