Friday, February 13, 2009

T25: Adding to my blog

I made it very clear in the previous round of 23 things bloggy-ness that I am not a picture taker. Photography seems to be a great, new hobby for so many and I would love to say that I express myself via picture taking.

*sigh* I don't. I don't like to take pictures, I don't like to be in pictures, I don't scrapbook and I generally barely manage to get my pictures into frames.

Obviously, I chose to not do any of the photography related blog add-ons.

I like some of the random fact/useless trivia gadgets. I added the useless trivia box. Considering this is a library related blog, I added a book a day box. These made sense to me and seemed appropriate.

Creating the email address and being able to email posts was interesting although I'm fuzzy as to the benefit of that. If I can access my email, I should be able to access my blog. Still looking into that one.

And then, I made it easy for people to subscribe to this stick-shaking madness by adding the subscription button. I'm intrigued by buttons in general. I've read several blogs with buttons for various prayer requests or links. I'd like to play around with that some more.

All told, I've tinkered with Thing 25 for a couple hours. There's a lot to it and I am certain I could easily spend several more hours playing with all the features. If I were designing a blog for a specific purpose, rather than a practice blog for education, I might be better about trying everything and figuring it all out.

So. Onward.

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