Monday, February 4, 2008

An Aside.

To recap, I have completed Things 1-6 and am puttering through Thing 7. Let's look at the math on this.

So far, I have had to open 6 new accounts on various web sites: Blogger, Gmail, Flickr, Big Huge Labs, Yahoo and AIM. I've registered 1 blog. I've downloaded an IM program. I've uploaded photos, images and links. If side loading were possible, I probably would have done that by now too.

I still have 17 1/2 Things to do.

Is anyone else feeling overwhelmed with passwords, privacy policies and postings?


CMLE Coach said...

Yes, it can be a bit much, though it is the best way to see how someThing works...that said don't forget that you can go back and delete the accounts...

Anonymous said...

Keeping track of passwords is a pain. According to my brother, an IT junky, there are programs available that will save your passwords for you on your computer and all you have to do is remember one password to get into the program.

I see multiple passwords as an exercise in improving my memory.