Thursday, May 7, 2009

T42: Music

I love my husband's iPod. In an effort to maintain the complete disclosure that I've been striving for, it is important to note that I was anti-iPod at the beginning. Didn't understand it, didn't want one, didn't see what all the hoopla was.

Two weeks ago, when he point blank asked me what the kids should get me for Mother's Day, I suggested my very own nano.

Times change. *shrug*

Music format has changed. I remember getting my very first record album. (Conway Twitty, thank you very much.) I remember what a big leap it was for me to stop buying cassettes and to start buying cds. Then I could go onto iTunes and only buy the songs I wanted. Whoa.

Now, I go to Pandora and say "Michael Buble" and *POOF* a whole station of Michael Buble-esque music exists for me. It's almost like being in love.

Will internet radio replace broadcast? Hard to many stations now give you the option of listening to their broadcast online at work that people can hang out with their favorite DJs. For those of us who like commercial free, and go to other sources to get the weather and the traffic, this may be the next great thing.

T41: Mashup My Life

I joined FriendFeed. This proved to not be a very useful tool for me because none of my friends were there to feed me. I joined Meebo, which I thought would be great and really, it probably will be if I ever become the social media rockstar I so long to be. But since I have one person I chat with on google talk and all of my other chat associations are through Facebook, it's just easier for me to log into Facebook and do my thing there.

Hypothetically speaking, I like the idea of these services. If I am able to expand branch's use of social media, or if I would start to hardcore use social media for my other job, I think that Meebo or FriendFeed will become very important to me, making it easier to link myself up with a variety of people through a variety of services.

Short of that, I have nothing else to say about Thing 41.

Monday, May 4, 2009

For Fun

Sometimes, I feel like this:

T40: Another reason to love Google.

Let Me Google That For You may possibly be my most favorite website ever. I always thought that Google might have a sarcastic edge and this just confirms it. All the more reason to love my boyfriend.

My mother is going to be getting lots of urls from there.

I also Warhol-ed my friend's baby, which is exactly what I told her in the email when I sent the jpg file to her this morning. Her response: "Um, thanks?"

Here's what I'm finding out about mashups: If you can imagine a web tool, it has probably been created. I found out that my community is very walkable. I spun the wheel to find out where I should have lunch if I was in my hometown today. Mostly I played with the different mashups, just to see what was available. They are easy to use, once you find the thing you want.

I'm 40 Things into the challenge and here's the one thing I would like to make patrons understand: the tools are out there, you just have to not be afraid to tinker.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

T39: Again with the Flickr thing

My camera is broken. It has been broken for 3 weeks and other than one time, when my daughter blew out her birthday candles, I can honestly say it hasn't been a big deal. I am not a picture person.

Here's a goodie from last fall:

I get how to use these. I understand how to use them, how to upload, how to download, how to embed. If I were ever to become a scrapbooker, which isn't going to happen, it would be with these digital tools.

I had a lot of trouble with Smilebox, which I found distressing. I wanted it to work. It looked user friendly. The site was darling to play around with. The photos took forever to load and then i had difficulty manipulating them.

Surely, operator error, but I got annoyed and went here and threw my son in a pine cone frame.

The farther into my job I get and the more digital our response to everything becomes, the more I can appreciate the simplicity and handiness of these online tools. What a great way to capture memories of fund raisers or events. I get it, I do.

T38: Screencasting

Bloggy World, I have a confession to make: I am a Mac user.

I am surprised that this is the first time that this has come up during my misadventures through 23 Things and More Things. Maybe I've mentioned it before, maybe not. At any rate, all of my blog posts and the research/homework leading up to them take place via my mac. I'm most likely sitting on the glider with my feet propped up, laptop on my lap, coffee on the window ledge.

More of a visual than you needed?

So. To get back to the point, I already have the ever easy to use Grab It feature installed, no download necessary. My Mac-fluent spouse gave me a little tutorial on it last night, which was very helpful. I captured some images and loaded them into document and really just tinkered. What this couldn't do for me was provide video captures.

To that end, I started an account at ScreenToaster.

Easy to use. Endless possibilities. Think about this: Our system has subscriptions to all types of databases. Many of these great resources are under-used by the public in part because they don't know how to use them and we as a staff do not have the time to do the same tutorial over and over. A screen cast of basic instructions on the library blog would be incredibly helpful.

And, as always, my homework:

Saturday, May 2, 2009

T37b: After closer reading...

...I decided that I was reading too much into the directions and that my slide show was, in fact, a story. It is a delightful little story about 2 cute kids in a wedding and how they were bribed with dilly bars to behave. My lovely daughter had this to say of the wedding experience: The only fun part about a wedding is the part you are in.

Flickr. Grr. I struggled with Flickr the first time around, as noted here, here and here.

I contend that these services are user friendly. One True Media practically held my hand, showed me where to click and what to do. The hardest part for me was making the decisions as to which special effect and which song to use.

Much like Blogger, these are designed to be easy.

I'm starting to see more practical uses as our branch hovers at the beginning of a potential building project. Photo montages do tell a story in an interactive why that is more entertaining than staring at poster board and getting high on rubber cement. Not that I've done this...much.

I'm trying. I want to incorporate these applications and skills to bring our communication to the now. And with each Thing, I get a bit closer.